Right, so I’ve decided that working full-time, doing a Grad-Dip course two nights a week and Spanish lessons on Sat mornings means I definitely don’t have enough to do in my life.
I’ve also decided I spend way too much money and I need to start saving.
Thus, I’m starting a personal project. I’m going to re-read all the books that I own and review them. Every single one. From the Enid Blyton to the Trixie Belden; from the embarrassing single romance novel to the gigantor Kim Stanley Robinson Mars epics; from the Umberto Eco highbrow to the trashy depths of cheap fantasy crap – you get the idea (oh groan, I’ve just sighted some massive poetry volumes, should they count?). My literary soul will be laid bare for the blogosphere to see.
The idea popped into my head while I was riding home from school on my scooter and I’ve been for the most part, pretty excited about it and it’s been roiling around in the cerebellum ever since. It’s going to be a great way for me to develop my appalling reviewing skills and to also refine my reading skills. I will also post an accompanying photo of each book cover with its publication details.
It will be my personal electronic bookshelf – as I plan on moving overseas in a couple of years, I’m not going to be able to physically take my books with me, so this will be the best substitute! I’m not doing it for fame or fortune – I doubt this will ever be read! But I’m going to do it for me.
I’m going to try to get through a book a week. I think this will all even itself out in the end, considering the smaller stuff and then the bigger behemoths like Don Quioxte, Finnegan’s Wake and the like. I will provide a review and try to include something about the author and what was going on when they wrote it. Although if I do a book a week with 52 weeks in the year, it may take me several years to complete this thing. So I’ll see what I can do during holidays.
Although right now, as I type, I’m not that amped about it. I have woken up with what feels like a giant tumor in the back of my throat and a headache. And I’m having significant difficulty getting through to the doctor. As I write all this down, I’m actually feeling worse by the minute. I have an inkling that I will have to go over this in a day or two when this bug is gone to see if I’ve made any sense whatsoever.
I will take a photo of each of my book cases so it is clear to both me and the world what I am taking on. I don’t claim to have a collection of Gutenberg proportions, but I think it may be a little larger than most. Plus, I have way too many books that I haven’t read. Hello my name is AlleyCat, I’m a book junky and I can’t stop acquiring books.
I’ll start with the several books I’m still in the middle of at the moment and then work my way through each bookcase.
Let the reading begin and see you in a few days!
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